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his page has links to photographs of Nakina and Vanderbeck history. 

Double-click any of the thumbnail pictures below to display the full-size photograph. To return to this page, click your browser's Back button. 

The Cabin at Waba

jim_lindsay_emile.jpg (161013 bytes) VanderbeckWabacabin_crp.jpg (72574 bytes) BigLVanderbeckonrightWabacabin.jpg (156109 bytes)
Emile Cote (L), Jim Vanderbeck  (R). Unidentified man in center.  
(Photo courtesty of Bill Slater)
 Jim (R), Unidentified man on left. (We're working on his identifying him.)
(Photo courtesy of Bill and Lois Hoff)
Unidentified man on left, Big Lindsay Vanderbeck on right. 
(Photo courtesy of Bill and Lois Hoff)
waba_cabin_rear.jpg (193102 bytes)
Rear of what may be the Waba cabin 
(Photo courtesy of Bill and Lois Hoff)
Jim and Helen Vanderbeck (1981)
Jim_HelenVanderbeck1981001.jpg (117979 bytes) Jim_HelenVanderbeck1981005.jpg (65861 bytes) Jim_HelenVanderbeckThePasManitoba1981.jpg (68538 bytes)
(Photo courtesy of Russ Kerr) (Photo courtesy of Russ Kerr) (Photo courtesy of Russ Kerr)

The Vanderbeck Family

maude_ida_mary_vanderbeck.jpg (530240 bytes) mary_vanderbeck.jpg (531287 bytes) ida_vanderbeck.jpg (597225 bytes)
Mrs. (Maude) Vanderbeck and
daughters Ida and Mary
(Photo courtesy of May Round Tyson)
Mary Vanderbeck
(Photo courtesy of May Round Tyson)
Ida Vanderbeck
(Photo courtesy of May Round Tyson)
IdaVanderbeck.jpg (186332 bytes) MarydaughterMaryMaudVanderbeck1944.jpg (188758 bytes)
Ida Vanderbeck
(Photo courtesy of Bill and Lois Hoff)
Mary Vanderbeck's daughter Mary Helen (center) and Maude Vanderbeck (right). The woman on the left may be Ida Vanderbeck
(Photo courtesy of Bill and Lois Hoff. Identifcation correction courtesy of Jo Ann)

Emile Cote

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(Photo courtesy of Bill and Lois Hoff) (Photo courtesy of Bill and Lois Hoff) With May Riddle 
(Photo courtesy of Bill and Lois Hoff)

The Vanderbeck Home in Nakina

Vanderbeckbarn-1.jpg (163592 bytes) BobJoAnnshomeonoldVanderbeckproperty.jpg (132547 bytes)
Original Vanderbeck barn
(Photo courtesy of Russ Kerr)
Home that currently sits on the Vanderbeck Nakina property. (This house was originally brought there by Emile Cote and later improved by Jo Ann and Bob, the current owners of the property.) 
(Photo courtesy of Russ Kerr)

Other Nakina Historical Sites

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The Round Family Cabin
(Photo courtesy of May Round Tyson)
The Watch Grave
(Photo courtesy of Bill and Lois Hoff)

Nakina in the 1920s and 30s

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nakina_9.jpg (25143 bytes) nakina_cnr_1925.jpg (227205 bytes) nakina_front_st_1935.jpg (266399 bytes)
nakina_front_st_2.jpg (188014 bytes) (Photos from former Nakina Township web site, courtesy of the town of Nakina)
  A huge thanks to Russ Kerr for providing the photos from Bill and Lois Hoff!