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From: Matt
Date: 31 Jul 2004
Time: 15:14:02
Scott, Thanks for posting. I corresponded with Stephen Meader's son John looking for some information before stumbling onto Jo Ann and Bob. I asked John about the notebooks. Unfortunately, he said his father remarried later in life and his widow's family ended up with most of his personal effects. John did not know what became of the notebooks. I also asked him about the birchbark moose call that his father mentioned bringing home to his son in the book's Forward. But John didn't know the whereabouts of it either. He said he assumed that his father would have stayed in touch with the Vanderbecks, but he didn't have any of their correspondences. It's a great story, but unfortunately we've been slowed down by more than a few dead ends. Still working on it though. Thanks for writing!