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From: Brian J Schweikert
Date: 13 Aug 2004
Time: 06:48:20
MARY SUE, (and any of your crew) We do not want to intrude on your lives, its only the fact that we would just LOVE to get the record straight. Of course, there are many things I would like to ask you about your father and uncle. We have some incomplete areas and would like to get it right. PLEASE email me, any of you as I would like to set up a phone call or email or net-meeting with you to discuss your famly history, specific to the Vanderbeck clan. Not knowing you brother's name I also plead our case to him also. WE THINK, your father and uncle were great men, I am sure you do/did too. Cant we just connect for this purpose. I think we would be very happy to receive any of your input. I recently took stock of how I love the life of a wanderer / hiker (with a kitchen pass "from da boss, of course). These things I know: I know my "passion" was ignited by the book, TLN and ?I know it was definitely stoked by my grandfathers stories of trapping / hunting in the wilds of north central pennsylvania. I take stock of how I regard "out there" with a reverance, a high regard, some cannot fathom. As with all things that "effect" a person so much to be able to integrate into one life. I..."WE", Jo Ann, Matt and I really would love to know more. Sure we are begining to put together pieces of information, STILL we have to do too much assuming this and that to get to where we think it went. This is a plea of sorts. I KNOW you have had to get into this site and hope you know my requests come from the heart. Why, good question, I am not a Vanderbeck, will never profess to be one. I was that crazy kid who was not interested in reading anything until I saw a classmate in the 4th grade (which would o put it at about 1968, I am 45 now) reading TLN. I will come clean hear to say, over the next year in that school I read that book at least 10 times. I also "lost " it and mysteriously found it the next summer. I wanted to be like Jim and Lindsay more so I wanted the country, I wanted the far away forbidding landscape that your average person would think it is. It isnt. The law of the wild is to live by the wild. I began my first trips as a youngman wanting to be like the characters. It is curious, as I never liked portraying my favorite cartoon hero. These guys and , HEY even their dogs are kinda my childhood hero's. Although the book cites that all the things in it did not necessarily happen in one year, we have no reason to NOT beleive they didnt happen. .Ok cutting to the chase, PLEASE help us complete the record. Email me at VERY SINCERELY Brian J schweikert (hey I also have a phone at 215-697-1496