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From: Scott N McLeod
Date: 14 Sep 2004
Time: 18:06:02
I was lucky enough recently to win on ebay an English first edition of TLN. Instead of being printed by Dodd, Mead and Company it is George G. Harrap and Company Ltd., and under that is not New York but London,Bombay,and Sydney.This edition doesn't have the map on the inside of the cover and the pictures are spaced out through the book not all bunched up in the middle of the book. There is a list of the pictures in the front of the book that doesn't show up in the American edition and the book is longer and thicker too. It measures 8 inches and three eights long, the American just under eight inches and the English one has 285 pages the American edition has 268. The print is larger making up for the difference in size. This is the first non-libray copy I have ever seen and I plan to make a dust jacket for it too using the existing jacket with white trim on the bottom and top. Hopefully I can scan the jacket and the colours will come out. Does anybody else have differences in editions of TLN? I'm a book collecter and love to seek out different editions of favourite books.