This is the old Discussion forum for the book Trap-Lines North. The messages in this forum are still viewable by anyone. However, to post new questions, thoughts or information please register at the new Trap-Lines North message board. Look forward to seeing you there!
From: Brian J Schweikert
Date: 23 Sep 2004
Time: 08:07:23
Hey All, Its been sooo long, some of the people say we contact. Most try to help, some we have found have been a gold mine of information, most avenues have been covered with the many seasons past debris. We are making progress and the clouded storys are starting to clear. I think most of all, I think Matt and JO Ann agree with me. The progress has been made as getting more information about the time the Vanderbecks were there. This is as in the years they were there, there have been recollections by aquantiances, friends at the time and old references that made sense. Where we lack is what happened AFTER Jim and Lindsay came home. We have enough information to assume however that is not our expectations. SO if any of you decendants of the Vanderbecks read this PLEASE contact one of us. With Jo Ann being in Nakina, shes in the heart of the scene. Matt in Ohio and I in Pa are doing the best we can. Matt as actually been doing a great job in interviewing people surrounding the Vanderbeck history.