This is the old Discussion forum for the book Trap-Lines North. The messages in this forum are still viewable by anyone. However, to post new questions, thoughts or information please register at the new Trap-Lines North message board. Look forward to seeing you there!
From: Matt
Date: 30 Sep 2004
Time: 16:46:28
Marg, I sent you and Pam a copy of the article that I wrote for the The Nakina News after talking with your mother and Pam. The book Paddle, Pack and Speckled Trout recounts experiences fishing with Jim Vanderbeck and Emile Cote in Nakina and northern Ontario. It used to be available from Northland Outfitters (the outfitting/guiding business that the Vanderbecks founded). There website is: I didn't see the book listed there, but they may still have copies. We'll keep adding information to this web site too, so keep checking back.