This is the old Discussion forum for the book Trap-Lines North. The messages in this forum are still viewable by anyone. However, to post new questions, thoughts or information please register at the new Trap-Lines North message board. Look forward to seeing you there!
From: Terry C
Date: 27 Oct 2004
Time: 20:58:41
I came across your website after I punched in the name "Vanderbeck" as I had done many times on the web looking for any information about this family. Finally your site! Like others who have visited this site, I read TLN in the sixth grade, and was crazy about this book. I wanted to live just like Jim and Lindsay. I am 45 now and have a hard copy and a paper back edition of the book and have read the story so many times I can recite paragraghs from the book.It has influenced my love of the outdoors and led to my lifelong obssesion with the north country. After a three week canoe trip I took about 20 years ago the train I was on stopped in Nakina for a few minutes and I was able to snap a few pictures of the town. Many times I have thought about visiting the area to see if people there would still remember the family. Thank you for providing the answers to the many questions I have had about whatever happened to the Vanderbecks. It is something that I have always wondered. I look forward to visiting your site many times in the future. Have always thought about taking a canoe trip through the area and traveling the same country that they did, though I realize it has probably changed a great deal,now it is a must do. Keep up the great work.