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From: Scott N McLeod
Date: 18 Jan 2005
Time: 19:11:35
Just got my Southern Skies TLN and the dust jacket is the black,red,and white not the blue one which is fine. The snowshoes on the side of the book are sort of there but not quite. There's no map on the inside showing the Vanderbecks Trap Line country which should have been in the later editions of TLN but for some reason wasn't carried on. I was lucky enough to get a sixth edition which still had the map. Just a note to say that on page 31 of the Southern Skies TLN you can see an old school stamp - St. Theresa School which I think adds to the charm of the book as a lot of the older copies people have are ex-library, my first copy was an ex-school library. Thank you Southern Skies for re-printing a stone cold classic book. Scott