This is the old Discussion forum for the book Trap-Lines North. The messages in this forum are still viewable by anyone. However, to post new questions, thoughts or information please register at the new Trap-Lines North message board. Look forward to seeing you there!
From: Jim Tanner
Date: 16 Mar 2005
Time: 13:08:09
As a young teenager in south central Louisiana I found Trap Lines North is my high school library about 1956. I read and re-read the book many, many times. I don't know what happened to the book after the small school (150 students) I attended was consolidated with some of the other surrounding towns but I do know that I held the record for checking it out of the school library. It gave me so much inspiration and I would head out to my trapline on a bayou where I trapped Coon, Possum, Mink and Nutria. There I would imagine I was one of the Vanderbecks except we just didn't have hardly any snow. We would go for years without snow at all and then only a few inches. My trapline was just about two miles long and I built a sled pulled by a big goat to haul my supplies (can you imagine telling a goat to "Mush!!"). On weekends I would camp at the end on my line and imagine I was in the deep woods of Canada. I would imagine the snow was three feet deep when actually I was tromping through mud along the bayou. I have often wondered what happened to the Vanderbeck family and their offspring. While I have come from running a trapline as a teenager in Louisiana to running a computer department for a casino in north Mississippi I still can close my eyes and see myself on my trapline. I am glad to know that I'm not the only person that was smitten by this amazing book. Thanks so much for maintaining this website. I will visit it often.