This is the old Discussion forum for the book Trap-Lines North. The messages in this forum are still viewable by anyone. However, to post new questions, thoughts or information please register at the new Trap-Lines North message board. Look forward to seeing you there!
From: Jim Tanner
Date: 14 Apr 2005
Time: 22:47:52
Matt: You're right; trapline fever can't be cured. I do however need to put it into remission before I go broke. I keep ordering traps (up to 7 dozen now and can trap anything from muskrat to cougar). Every time I re-read TLN I call and order more. I live just outside of Memphis, TN in north Mississipi. If I keep buying traps I'll be able to run a line from here to the Gulf coast. I've gotta stop buying traps but I refuse to stop reading TLN. I've made posts on several of the trapping forums letting them know what a great book TLN is and how they can get one through Southern Skies.