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From: Russ
Date: 06 Nov 2005
Time: 23:55:42
Hi Brian. It was in 1981 that Jim and Helen vanderbeck came to vist.jim told me he had never read the book.I sent pic's to Jo Ann & Matt. he never mentioned any ill feelings toward Emile and infact I don't remember him saying anything bad about anyone. I must have aked him about the wolf but I can't remember what he said. I would think that if he had said it didn't happen that would have stuck with me. scince I found this web site and all the questions about the big wolf I tried to do some research. i tried unsucesfully to fined a list of RCMP members from 1933. I also tried to find out about any wolf kills that would have made the news back then.I was on the computer all one day. I was on a sight and typed in big wolf killed in nakina in 1933 and it came back as no hits. i typed in big wolf killed in 1932 and it came back with 2 hits. When I tried to open them I had to join a member ship to some archive news papers and when I tried to do that I needed a US address and it wouldn't let me in. i could never find that site again. I also tried to news paper places in Ontario and was told all their aold news papers were on micro film at the libraries and when i checked into that was told they were not available on line. Maybe some one in Ontario could help with that. Russ