This is the old Discussion forum for the book Trap-Lines North. The messages in this forum are still viewable by anyone. However, to post new questions, thoughts or information please register at the new Trap-Lines North message board. Look forward to seeing you there!
From: Scott N McLeod
Date: 02 Jan 2006
Time: 07:05:33
Well, I've heard it said that you never get what you really want for Christmas so go buy it.If you don't drink a lot of beer or if you don't smoke just say it's beer and smokes money. That one works for me but my partner (and I'm lucky) loves books and understands this quest for the perfect first edition of TLN. You should also get a copy of Will To Win, some how as I was reading this book I had in my minds eye an image of Jim Vanderbeck reading this very book out on the trap lines and that after their conversation in the foreward of TLN Stephen Meader sent young Jim a copy of Will To Win. Just a thought but you never know. Enjoy your first edition I love mine and a Happy New Years to all.