This is the old Discussion forum for the book Trap-Lines North. The messages in this forum are still viewable by anyone. However, to post new questions, thoughts or information please register at the new Trap-Lines North message board. Look forward to seeing you there!
From: Russ Kerr
Date: 01 Apr 2006
Time: 13:46:32
I phoned Helen Vanderbeck on Jan 3,2006. Helen is in poor health and is in a home in Sudbury. We had a nice visit and talked about a lot of things including Jim and her visit to Flin Flon in the 80's, Helen told me had a copy and she had read the book Trap Lines North. She told me she and Jim had made the trip to the museum in Toronto to see the big wolf on display but that it had deteriorated and they had taken it down.I said Helen did the big wolf incident really happen and she said ohhhhh yess. Jim got $ 200.00 for that wolf and that was a lot of money in those days!!. I didn't ask her what year they had made the trip to Toronto and I'm not sure she would have remembered anyway. Russ Kerr